The Toll Authority, an agency of the Ministry of Transport and Mining was created under the Toll Roads Act. It is mandated under the provision of the Toll Roads Act to regulate the operations and maintenance of toll roads and such other facilities as may be deemed necessary on or adjacent to toll roads. It is also mandated to monitor the compliance of concessionaires with the terms and conditions of concession agreement and to advise the Minister on matters of general policy relating to the design, construction, safety, regulation, operation and maintenance of the toll roads in Jamaica.
In performing the functions under the Act the Authority must act in a manner, as it considers best calculated inter alia to:
  • Further the reasonable interest of the users of the toll roads by establishing a system for the regulation of tolls that takes account of those interest;
  • Promote the efficient, economic and profitable operation of toll roads; and
  • Create an enabling environment for potential investors in toll roads